A green & CSR project

Sustainability from a wide angle

Climate change and its impact on society are issues that every company, including our film studio, can now address by :

  • Thinking upstream about its organisation,
  • Implementing low carbon technologies,
  • Generating its own renewable energy (3 sources),
  • Raising awareness of best practice.

At PICS Studio, we have taken the environmental and social challenges to heart by designing a studio based on the principle of triple efficiency:

  • Energy efficiency,
  • Material efficiency,
  • Social Efficiency.

As a result, our studio is able to offer you a service that meets your environmental and social commitments, in line with the decarbonisation trajectory of the Paris Agreements1, the CSRD Directive2 and the CNC Action Plan3.

Proclaiming it is good, but proving it, is better!

The environmental and social value we can bring to you is demonstrated by :

  • Real-time reporting of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by your production,
  • Estimation of the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by your production against a reference scenario,
  • Environmental service with eco-scoring for transport, sets, equipment rental and eco-production certification (Albert, Ecoprod, EMA Green Seal for Production, Green Film…),
  • “Data Points” service to consolidate, compile and transmit environmental and social data on your production to your line producer and broadcaster.

PICS Studio is designed and operated to be as sustainable as possible for your production, at market prices.

A green design

A dedicated resource center to the audiovisual

Soft connections & optimized movements

A green design

A dedicated resource center to the audiovisual

Soft connections & optimized movements

References  : 1. The Paris Agreement – United Nation Climate Change (UNCC) ; 2. CSRD Directive – European Commission-EFRAG ;  3. Action Plan – CNC ;
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